CSNF demo-service (archived)

The CSNF demo-service is a typescript application that provides minimal functionality to allow security researchers and security developers to become familiar with the CSNF Decorator. The application can be easily deployed using Docker.

This page explains how to configure the demo-service in your environment.

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CSNF demo environment

About the demo-service application

The csnf demo-service now runs in docker. The best place to go for information on how to configure and run the CSNF demo environment would be to the github repo. To make use of the repo, you’ll need to clone it locally - if you don’t know how to do that, gee the Github Cloning a repository documentation.

Pre-requisites for the demo-service

The demo service requires access to a Splunk environment, specifically an http event collector, or HEC, to catch events from the CSNF dispatcher. In order to run the demo-service you will need to provide the access token that can be used by the Splunk HEC.

The demo service also requires access to an http client, like Postman or Insomnia that can be used to send http requests containing JSON payloads.

How to configure the demo-service on your laptop

The CSNF demo-service README.md goes into greater detail on how to configure the demo environment.

Contributing to the CSNF demo-service

If you want to contribute to the repo, see the CONTRIBUTING.md file.

CSNF demo-service Change History

To see what’s changed in the current version, see CHANGES.md

Last modified April 10, 2022: Spring 2022 content updates (19710a7)